Midnight thoughts (oct 8)

Never in my life have i ever thought straight or said it, even so. I have always looked upon metaphors to assist my words. But today i don’t have any. I find myself lost without my poetries. Pain is my ultimate ink to spill upon the pages but this time it’s just a transparent fluid. Perhaps that’s how much pain it caused me. But mind me, I am not here for any blame game, you know it’s not mine to play. I believe you won’t ever want to see me cry, i guess that’s why i pretend you aren’t the reason. But i fail. I can’t tell you how many nights, under the arms of a glowing moon, that I have longed for you to be lying next to me. And you never came. But someone else did. It wasn’t love, I assure you. It wasn’t something i wanted but something i needed. Needs are to be taken care of. Once there was an abandoned palace and now it’s too lively. Too lively that it feels too crowded. Once you could hear the sound of light entering through the window and now it’s too loud even to hear a person. In the middle of the night at 2:03, i wanna go stargazing, breath some air and feel free. I wonder, how long until I storm out. You told me you loved me and i believed you too. But your efforts to prove it are fragile. Your words were like the beautiful poetry and then you crumbled the paper you wrote it on. You tell me you’re gonna write me a masterpiece to hang it on a wall but it’s all piles of crumbled pages you tore, so we burnt them all. This palace is turning into ashes and i could either save the plant in the vase or the photographs in the journal or i could leave them both behind and save myself. Love, lust and I…. Life doesn’t allow a threesome and i might have to leave one behind for i can’t have them all at once.

©® Aakanksha16