Hold my hand when i fall and can’t get up on my own. Sometimes i need to be pushed to do things. Be the one to build my confidence. Be the arm that pulls me when fear pushes me away. Help me rise above all the headaches, sorrows, pains and losses. Help me stich up those scars and open wounds. I am trusting your help for my worst times because i know you’re the one who’d wrap around my broken and tired bones at night.

Hold my hand, even when the world ignores my existence. When i get evanescent in the crowd of people with nothing special left in me, i want you holding my hand all the way through to make me stand out. Help me override those shadows of negativity and in the process of self-discovery. Tell me that i am not broken, just bent and help me remold my dream, my ambitions, myself. Tell me that i don’t need validations from the world for me to accept the way i am but only praise from the people who love and care for me because only those people truly matter.

Hold my hand when love stands test. Tell me the story of how we met and about the time we spent together. Remember and remind me each and everything that turned i and you to us. No matter what don’t let go of me because without you i am left with nothing to treasure, without you i am just a skeleton of bones covered with flesh and blood running through veins; alive and undead.

Hold my hand when i am walking in dark. You know i am afraid of darkness. With ghosts haunting me and me being afraid to step even a foot forward, i want you to take me further and let me keep going with my hand in yours. I hope, no matter what darkness i am dragged through, i never lose sight of you. You’re the light that i need and your heartbeats are the drumrolls i’d be marching by.

Hold my hand even when i tell you to leave. I might act as i don’t need you or hate you, it’s the time when everything is being questioned. I want you to be resistant to my denial and have patience accompanying calmness. When i tell you that love builds the most exquisite house made of paper and glass just to blow it down and it tears everyone and everything in the process; i wish you give me epiphany of love, hope and joy. I am asking you to do this because i know you’re the who once saw brokenness in my heart and loved me in spite of that.

Hold my hand even when i won’t hold mine. In the worst situation when self acceptance and self love stand for test, make me understand the worth and don’t lose faith in me. If you keep our hands clutched maybe i’d follow your lead. Make me believe in myself and that i can carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. Tell me that you love me and teach me to love myself again because you’re the only one i can count on.

Hold my hand forever and always. Forever is a long time and maybe you’d grow tired of me but just introspect, you’ll find a whole lot reasons to hold on to. The strangest yet most beautiful thing is that everyone needs someone, everyone is looking for someone they can completely show their vulnerability to and in my case it’s you. So if you leave, babe there won’t be any difference between you and other niggas who did the same. I don’t ask you a promise my love, i just want you to try harder and have faith because promises, they are meant to be broken.
