Midnight thoughts (10 December)

When it comes to life you’ll know it. It will never be too early or never too late. It won’t ever be a good way or the bad way. There isn’t perfect time , perfect way or perfect place to fall in or out of love. When it’s time you’ll know. Everything around will be the same but only your way to see it will change, you’ll grow stronger this time. You’ll find yourself safest even in the hurricane.

When in love….You’ll just look at the person and know they are enough. And believe me, this time love be so effortless and easy. You won’t have to try hard to prove anything, everything will just fly with the wind. You won’t have to fight and guess what,you won’t be able to control your fall. You’ll just jump off the highest wall, wall that you’ve built around your heart, knowing the person would be right there to catch you. This time you won’t choose the person you’re going to fall in love with, your heart will do the needful. Nothing irritating about them will matter, it’ll be two imperfect souls getting their hearts into sync and beat together. That person will be your safest place to open up all the vulnerabilities nonchalantly. This love won’t be something you expect or would know anything of, it’ll be like tasting some brand new dish, the dish that comes with everything you’ve ever dreamt of.
©® Aakanksha16

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